repair guide
Although your table has a structural three coat plaster. We understand accidents can happen. This guide will show you how re-plaster your table.
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matte mineral paint
Mineral Paints are naturally gorgeous and have a luminous quality that makes colors have a beauty like no other. They are made from sustainable, mineral based ingredients that will create the healthiest home. The potassium silicates micro-crystallize onto your walls, continuously absorbing CO2, and cleans the air in your home for years. The best part is they are highly durable and almost all of them are washable.
Traditional plaster white is called "grace note" but we like avario white, iron city, and their entire palette.
mineral paint primer
Versatile, durable, & long-lasting. Organic, mineral primer paint that serves as a universal non-acrylic primer. Recommended primer for Romabio Interior paints. Toxin-free and environmentally friendly.
Apply primer + paint with foam roller for best results.
cork sanding block
Backing your sandpaper with a cork sanding block allows you to reach a good middle-ground between the rigidity of a wood or plastic block, which helps to achieve a flatter surface, and the sensitivity of just using your fingers, which allows for following the acceptable undulations of a larger surface so as to finish the sanding more quickly.
mineral shield
Mineral Shield is an invisible top coating that locks and protects beautiful Romabio mineral paint finishes from natural patina, or weathering created by water. Unlike other products, Mineral Shield will not change the sheen of the finish or texture of the surface, thus preserving the beauty of a Romabio paint application.
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